Worship Service Child Care

Our Church Nursery is now staffed for the 9 & 11 o’clock services and Sunday School hour. The nursery attendants are experienced childcare providers, infant CPR certified, and have completed a background check. One nursery attendant will be present in the nursery every Sunday. The nursery is designed for children 3 and younger. 

If you choose to keep little one with you during the service, be aware that Activity Bags are available to keep little hands busy. Just ask an usher.


Worship Materials

Making the worship service more accessible includes the providing the sermon for those with limited hearing and sight.


Our facility has been upgraded, and worship materials are available for each worship service. If there is anything you need, please ask an usher and we’ll be glad to accommodate you.

The Altar Guild Needs You

We need new members to serve no more than once a month at either service. You will have training and mentoring. If interested in serving or curious about all that we do, please contact Rebecca Sullivan.


Also, the Altar Guild could use your unwanted hand or kitchen towels. Please just drop them by the Altar Guild room.