Our Evangelism Team is inviting members of Christ Lutheran to make a loving difference in the lives of our fellow members in a new way. We are creating a “Shepherds Team” to provide extra visits and calls to those who are cut-off from our community due to medical or other issues.

For those interested and willing, our Shepherds Team members will also be trained in sharing the Lord’s Supper from our Sunday services with those in the hospital; nursing, rehab and assisted living facilities; as well as those temporarily or permanently homebound. This outreach effort seeks to supplement the pastoral care visits of our pastors and will not replace them. It also goes hand in hand in hand with our already existing prayer chain ministry and congregational care efforts. Ongoing training will be provided to Shepherds Team members on the Sacraments and common issues and concerns related to visiting others on behalf of the church.

If you have an interest in participating in this ministry effort, please contact Pastor Lou. To help provide meals or other care items to members in need, contact Cathy Kravitz.